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Inside the Hub – a walk through

The UK Innovation Hub is committed to ensuring that its activities comply with applicable competition laws. To this end, the UK Innovation Hub has a set of antitrust guidelines to which its members agree to adhere.

Competition Law Compliance:

a. The NBIH and its participants must comply with all applicable competition law rules at all times.

The NBIH and its participants commit not to enter into any discussion, activity or conduct that may infringe applicable competition laws. For example, competitors shall not directly or indirectly discuss, communicate or exchange any commercially sensitive information, including non-public information relating to commercial strategy, pricing, costs or revenues.

b. Written agendas for all meetings of the NBIH, or meetings of multiple NBIH participants under the auspices of the NBIH, will be prepared and circulated in advance to all invitees.

c. All meeting agendas must contain the following statement: “All meeting participants are reminded that this meeting must adhere to competition law rules and, as such, no confidential or commercially sensitive information should be shared directly or indirectly between competitors.”

d. At the start of all meetings, the following statement must be read out: “All meeting participants are reminded that this meeting must adhere to competition law rules and, as such, no confidential or commercially sensitive information will be shared directly or indirectly between competitors. A written agenda for this meeting has been circulated in advance. Discussions will keep to the agenda.”

e. Written minutes for all meetings of the NBIH, or meetings of multiple NBIH participants under the auspices of the NBIH, will be prepared and circulated to all invitees.